Off to the Leks

I’ll be leaving early in the morning for eastern Colorado to photograph Greater Prairie Chickens.  I’ll be working on a private ranch that I’ve been to  a number of times in the past when I lived in Colorado. I’m really hoping for some nice sunny weather.   Cloudy mornings and  the spring winds are your biggest nemesis this time of year on the prairie.  The birds photograph much nicer with sunlight on them, it really brings out their color. 

Later in the week I will then head up to Western Nebraska to photograph Plains Sharptail Grouse.  This is another location I’ve visited in the past but I haven’t been there  for many years in fact I’ve never photographed these either of these two species with digital cameras.  Both these species gather on dancing grounds called a lek in the spring for  elaborate courtship rituals and breeding.  They males usually dance for the first hour or two after daylight trying to attract a mate.  You must photograph from a blind that you get into while it’s still dark and then wait fro daylight..  It makes for some really interesting photography and if I can I’ll blog while I’m on the road….

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