Show the Environment

As wildlife photographers we often get caught up in getting closer and having the subject fill the frame.  While I appreciate a great wildlife or bird portrait as much as the next person I think as we evolve as  nature photographers the portrait becomes mundane. A much greater challenge is to create a good animalscape.  Try to show the intended subject living in its habitat in a pleasing way.

Bald Eagle in habitat

It’s not an easy task to have a number of elements come together (light, form, etc) to allow you to make a pleasing overall image with your subject not dominating the composition but enhancing it.  The background and other elements need to be strong enough to carry or at least add interest to the image.

Bald eagle with snow covered mountain backdrop

Great light and dramatic scenery can sure help.  These days I’m always on the lookout for a good animalscape and I find when I’m able to achieve success with this kind of image that it’s quite rewarding for me and usually a successful image in the marketplace.

Alaskan Eagle

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