Bald Eagles of Alaska Trip Report

_Y5Q7091Canon Eos 1DX, Lens: EF500mm f/4L IS USM, manual exposure 1/2500 @ F4 ISO 400

I’ve just returned home from another amazing and very successful “Bald Eagles of Alaska” photo tour.  This was my fifth year running this tour and it just seems to keep getting better.  Weather in Alaska is always a concern and for the most part we had great light to work with.   The temperature was cold but the great light made up for it.  On the next to the last day a strong storm moved in making the conditions unsafe to be in the boat and we had to cancel the last 2 shoots.  Everyone was fine with that since the first 5 days were just great with everyone on the tour shooting 2000-4000 images or more per day.

_Y5Q5193Canon Eos 1DX, EF 300mm F2.8L IS, Manual exposure 1/4000 @ F4 ISO 800

We again found large numbers of wintering bald eagles in the beautiful coves and bays in the area and had non-stop action photography.  You can dramatically increase your skill of capturing birds in flight and create an amazing eagle image portfolio on this tour that would take a lifetime to achieve in other locations.

_D2_2136Canon Eos 7DmkII, EF70-200mm F4L IS, manual exposure 1/4000 @ F5.6 ISO 800
_D2_2278Canon Eos 7DmkII EF 70-200mm F4L IS, manual exposure 1/4000 @ F5.6, ISO 800
_D2_1701Canon Eos 7DmkII, EF 70-200mm F4IS, manual exposure, 1/4000 @ F4, ISO 400
_D2_2210Canon Eos 7DmkII, EF EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM, manual exposure 1/4000 @ F5.6, ISO 800
_D2_3566Canon Eos  7D Mark II, EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM, manual exposure, 1/2500 @ F4, ISO 400


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