Off to Yellowstone


I’ll be heading off tomorrow for the first “Winter in Yellowstone” tour this year.   I’ll have a couple more tours coming up later in February.  If there is one thing you can count on in Yellowstone National Park is that it’s never the same year to year.  Last year we had wonderful photo opportunities with bobcats in the interior.  I’m really hoping for more of the same this year.  So far this year it’s been fairly warm and dry.  It will be interesting to see how these conditions will affect the wildlife viewing.

bobcat3_D4_8645During the tour we’ll spend plenty of time exploring the northern range of the park where most of the wildlife will be seen since it’s the primary winter range for many on the parks animals.  This is also the best area to view wolves.  We also visit the interior of the park via a chartered snowcoach.   The interior is desolate, quiet and  beautiful with it’s thermal features adding mood.


I’ll post a report on the trip when I return.


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