Off to the Canadian Rockies

I’m leaving this morning for a trip to Jasper National Park in Alberta.  Hope to be able to add some blog posts during the trip.  My focus is the elk rut which should be in full swing along with some landscapes and whatever else I come across..

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2 thoughts on “Off to the Canadian Rockies”

  1. Dale, have a great trip and will look forward to posts and future discussions. I leave for the
    Tetons and Yellowstone on Friday for a week with Lynn and then Tony will be up on the 1st
    of Oct for another week. He retires on the 30th of Sept. Talk to you soon. Gene

    1. Thanks Gene,

      You all have fun in Yellowstone… I may not even make it up there this fall. I was in the park Saturday and the only elk I saw was at West Thumb. It was still unbelievably busy in the park. Tell Tony I said Hi….

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