Yellowstone Winter Update

I’m still in Yellowstone… We’ve been pounded by snow and the park looks like the high arctic. Snow has forced most of the wildlife in the park to lower elevations. We heard the Lamar Canyon wolves today near the Pebble Creek Campground. It was snowing so hard at that time we couldn’t see more than a few yards. We were not able to see the wolves.  Later in the afternoon we saw a coyote feeding on an ermine in its white pelage at the Rescue Creek Trailhead just south of the north entrance of the park.   That coyote must have been pretty hungry to eat a weasel…  Snow conditions are such that I’m sure the coyote will take any meal he can get. Here are a few images from the last couple of days. Again processed these photos on my laptop so I’m not sure how good they will look.  I’ll be returning home tomorrow.

Bull bison covered with snow

Howling coyote

Pine marten peek a boo

Mountain chickadee