Winter in Yellowstone Photo Tour

Today was day 1 of the first of two photo tours in Yellowstone National Park.  Weather is quite warm, especially compared to the bitter temps we endured on last years tour when we saw -42 degrees F one morning.  Snow depths in the northern sections of the park are much less than last year.

These are wolves from the Lamar Pack.   We photographed them in the Lamar Valley just east of the Lamar Ranger Station.  There were 10 wolves in total that were visible.  Most were a bit to far away for good photography.

This wolf is a sub-adult female of the Lamar Pack..  It was born this past April.  Both of these images were made with my Canon Eos 1Dmk4 and the EF800mmF5.6L IS.  Coming in tonight we saw some wolves between Mammoth Hot Springs and the north entrance and hope we might run into them in the morning.

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2 thoughts on “Winter in Yellowstone Photo Tour”

  1. WOW. first day out and you got wolves. Great shots and nice looking wolves. Sure isn’t as much snow as there was last year.

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