Bald Eagles of Alaska Tour

Bald Eagle with Long-tailed Duck
We arrived yesterday afternoon in Homer Alaska after a stunning flight down from Anchorage.  We had clear skies and great mountain and glacier views.   After getting checked in at the Lands End Hotel at the very end of the Homer Spit we went out on the beach for a little photography.  We were very lucky to have this eagle capture the duck in front  of this.  I captured this image using my Eos 7D, EF500mm F4 IS at an exposure of 1/2500 @ F6.3 at ISO 640  I used evaluative metering and aperture priority with a -1/3 stop exposure compensation to hold detail in the whites.

Bald Eagle Fishing

 We took our chartered boat out for our first morning session and had great activity and some real nice light.  It was quite cold but tolerable.  I captured this real nice image with my Eos 1dmk4 and my EF70-200mm F4IS handheld from the boat.  My exposure was 1/1600 @ F5.6 at ISO 800.  My exposure was set manually by metering a mid-tone and underexposing by 1/3 stop.  We’ll be heading out for our afternoon shoot here in a little bit and we have beautiful sunny skies so I’m expecting a great afternoon

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