Images For Conservation Pro-Am Contests 2012

Images for Conservation  is holding a number of Pro-Am Contests on some amazing ranches in Texas during 2012.  These private lands are excellent and productive locations for nature photography. I’ve been a photographer on the ICF Pro-Tour  since 2006 competing in the month-long grueling challenging contests.  I’ve been very successful on tour.  I will be coaching 4 of these contests during 2012 and hope to show you the same success I was able to achieve.

As the  professional nature photographer/coach who brings you through your Pro-Am Tournament I will not only educate you about the wildlife you’ll see and the techniques you’ll learn, but will coach you and decide which images to submit for judging as well.

As a Pro-Am Coach I’ll lead you with three primary goals in mind:

  1. You’ll leave a better photographer.
  2. You’ll benefit from the competitive experience.
  3. You’ll have a great time!

An Images for Conservation Pro-Am Tournament combines an informative workshop and a fun photo contest into an enjoyable 4-day, 5-evening event that takes place on private lands professionally prepared for wildlife and nature photography. They carefully select locations so that our Coaches/leaders can combine the best elements of the finest nature photography workshops with the power of a competitive learning experience. Pro-Am Tournaments are open to anyone with a digital SLR camera.

To view the 2012  contest schedule go here.   Go here to regitster.

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