Eagle Awards

I’m now on my final edit from the bald eagle tour in Alaska I led in March.  I’m able to get a few of the images out to clients and have already had an image recognized by EarthShots.org and their Photo of the day contest.

You can view that image here: http://www.earthshots.org/2011/05/snow-bank-by-d-robert-franz/

Bald Eagle Fishing

Above is another eagle image I just edited.   I like the angle of the bird in the frame  approaching the viewer .  A subject moving slightly into the frame is much better that slightly out of the frame.  In my composition I also gave the bird plenty of room in the front to fly into the frame.  Manual exposure worked best for this situation where the birds would fly in front of backgrounds ranging from dark mountainsides to very bright skies which was giving the autoexposure system of the camera fits.   Setting a proper manual exposure gave much more consistent results with the hard to expose eagles.

Camera Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec
Aperture: 4
Exposure mode: Manual
Metering mode: Partial
ISO: 1600
Lens: EF70-200mm F4IS

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